Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Market leaders in PSHE, Citizenship and Careers resources for secondary students.
Out Motto is 'Resources made for Teachers by Teachers' - We are a small dedicated team of teachers, HOD's and Middle leaders with a focus on supporting teachers and students across the world. We have a passion for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
How can I motivate myself and Others . A fully-resourced editable Careers PowerPoint lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session on this topic.
Learning Outcomes:
To understand different types of motivation, to reflect on what motivates me, to understand what can motivate others
Key terms
Motivation, positivity, empathy, understanding, intrinsic, extrinsic
**Homework Extension Suggestion **
Find a case study where a business has motivated its employees and seen positive results. What was the situation like before? What caused the change? What do owners think? How do employees now feel?
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Prejudice and Discrimination PSHE (Diversity and Equality) Lesson Pack includes: Editable PowerPoint, lesson assessment, student resources and signposting to extra support services. One of our 40 different bonus mindfulness activities also included and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To identify different forms of prejudice and discrimination eg age, racial, gender etc.
To consider how we can ensure equality for all in society
To evaluate how cohesive Britain really is
Some Key Terms Covered
Prejudice, discrimination, intolerance, justice, Equality, Hate Crime, Home Office
PSHE (Assessment) Objectives
I know the difference between prejudice and discrimination
I understand how I can help support equality for all
I can identify a range of characteristics that people are sometimes prejudiced by
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Living in the Wider World KS4 L21 & L22
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/52
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)
Exploring different jobs and career opportunities - Class Domino Lesson**. Editable 16 slide PowerPoint Lesson, Set of 13 Class Dominos Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To identify the 10 main UK Job sectors
To explore a wide variety of jobs
To evaluate the different qualifications, starting salaries and duties of a wide range of jobs
Some Key Terms Covered
Job description, salary, duties, progression, qualifications, GCSE, A levels, University, Skills
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ 1 x Set of Class Dominos for the entire Alphabet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Team project Handouts
☞ Team roles
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Health & Wellbeing H2
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/174
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Mental Health & Wellbeing Work Booklet PSHE Work Book for Students.- 12 page Student Work Booklet. This professionally designed 12 page PSHE workbook has been created for the new Cre8tive Curriculum Secondary PSHE / RSE and Health 2020 Statutory offering.
Each PSHE Work Booklet Includes:
☞ Fully Editable Portrait Work Booklet (in PowerPoint and PDF Version so no need to have the hassle or worry of the formatting of a word document)
☞ Baseline Confidence Checker matched against student progress every lesson
☞ A set of 12 Student Worksheet(s) to be used with Cre8tive Curriculum Lessons for this unit
☞ End of Unit Assessment Opportunity
☞ Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core Themes and 2020 Requirements
✿ ✿ The lessons that follow this Workbooklet are available here:
We sell Complete PSHE and Citizenship Units - Take a look at some of them here:
Gangs Drugs and Alcohol Unit
Politics, Parliament and Me Unit
KS3 18 PSHE Quizzes
STI and Contraception Unit
Sex, the law and Consent Unit
Relationships & Sex Education Unit
Puberty and Body Development Unit
Y11 Careers Unit CV’s Personal Statements etc
Extremism and Terrorism PREVENT Unit
Exploring British Values Unit
LGBTQAI+ PSHE Unit of Work
Celebrating Diversity in the UK
KS3 18 PSHE Projects bundle
Law, Crime and Society Unit
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE 2020 ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/WB/23
New Assembly about personal safety - Assembly Topic: How to stay safe when outside the home - Part of a Recovery Curriculum of Assemblies for students.
Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out our other popular assembly resources here:
Assembly - Back to School After Lock down Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful
WORLD AIDS DAY Assembly 2024 - Assembly Topic: Looking at HIV and AIDs All about getting off to a flying start - Part of a Recovery Curriculum of Assemblies for students.
Cre8tive Curriculum
We will be providing Assemblies, Lessons and Quiz resources for Whole School Topics and Themed Days.
Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and 2020 Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/APT/28
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/APT/35
Why not check out our other popular resources here:
Assembly - Back to School After Lock down Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful
Mindfulness Assembly - Assembly Topic: All about looking after your own personal wellbeing - Part of a Recovery Curriculum of Assemblies for students.
This assembly also comes with a handout or printable poster about positive wellbeing Tips.
Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
Why not check out our other popular PRIMARY resources here:
Assembly - Back to School After Lock down Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful
British Values - Individual Liberty. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on the importance of British Values Individual Liberty
Learning objectives
I understand what is meant by individual liberty
I can explain what individual liberty looks like in everyday life
I know how to advocate for individual liberty
Some Key Terms Covered
Fairness, Freedom, Citizenship, Rights, Choice
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Search “Cre8tive Resources” on Google to explore all our lesson packages for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship
Toxic friendships - Firstly, no one is perfect, we all make mistakes at times. But if you are starting to feel that a friend is no longer the bets thing for you, chances are you’re in a toxic friendship.
**Outcomes **
How can you spot a toxic friendship?
Are there some friendships your life would be better without?
*Tips for a healthy relationship
Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Nudes & Cyber Flashing - Sexts + Sharing Images! PSHE Lesson (1 Hour+) . Editable 23+ slide PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning objectives
To be aware of the law on nudes
To know who to talk to, and have the skills to start a conversation
To evaluate actions if an unwanted nude is received
Some Key Terms Covered
Nudes; consent; law; dick pics; consequences, Cyber flashing
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Some lessons may include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Homework
☞ Teacher notes
☞ Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Themes
⟴ Statutory Health and or RSE
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources!
Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/NEW
Check out some more of our most popular resources:
☞ Masculinity + Misogyny Explored (Ks4)
☞ Boys to men - Masculinity (Ks3)
☞ PSHE Masculinity + Men (Ks5)
☞ What is Toxic Masculinity? (Ks3)
☞ Incels Extremism Misogyny (Ks4) (Ks5)
☞ Sexism in society (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ What is Feminism? (Ks4) (Ks3)
☞ Sexual Harassment (Ks4)
☞ Dealing with anger and Frustration (Ks3) (Ks4)
Careers in Geography. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Careers in Geography
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the skills Geography provides.
To understand the routes into Geography careers.
To explore the job prospects in Geography.
Key terms
Cartographer, Critical Thinking, Interpretation, Green Job, Agriculture, Urban, Transport
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Search “Cre8tive Resources” on Google to explore all our lesson packages for PSHE, Careers and Citizenship and Sixth Form.
New Assembly - Assembly Topic: Accepting People - Part of a Recovery Curriculum of Assemblies for students.
Each Assembly Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Clear structure, Assessment of Learning, Beautiful presentation, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides & Thoughtful Questioning)
Designed by Specialists
Mapped against Latest DfE Guidance, PSHE Association Core themes and Requirements
The Cre8tive Curriculum way!
Our shared vision at Cre8tive Curriculum is to help teachers to equip students with the knowledge and skills to take ownership of their own learning and become independent critical thinkers. Products come ‘Ready-to-Teach’ with everything you need for educational, fun and creative lessons.
Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/APT/42
Why not check out our other popular resources here:
Assembly - Importance of Expressing yourself
Assembly - Powerful Women + Role Models
Assembly - Recycling
Assembly - Coping with Change
Assembly - International Literacy Day
Assembly - Importance of Helping Others
Assembly - Healthy Eating Habits
Assembly - Bullying Prevention Week
Assembly - Being Thankful and Grateful
Sixth Form Life and the making the most of these years. Careers and Financial education Lesson designed by a L6 Qualified Careers Guidance Leader. Editable 13+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Careers Learning Outcomes:
To understand what elements make up Sixth Form Life.
To consider what I want my Sixth Form experience to be like.
To consider what I can to improve my Sixth Form experience
Some Careers and finance linked Key Terms Covered
Independent study, Personal Development
Careers and Finance Assessment Objectives
I understand the elements that make up Sixth Form life.
I have thought about what I want my Sixth Form experience to be like.
I know what part I can play in improving my Sixth Form experience
Skills Builder Framework
Aiming High & Staying Positive
CDI Framework
Balancing Life and Work
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 1727828332
Each Careers Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Water Rail and Fire Safety. Editable 21+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand how to stay safe when near water
Understand fire safety in the home
Understand rail safety rules
Some Key Terms Covered
Responsibility, Personal Safety, Compliance, Health & Safety, Surge Protector
Assessment Objectives
I understand how to stay safe when near water. I understand fire safety in the home. I understand rail safety rules.
Skills Builder Framework
Creativity & Listening
CDI Framework
See the Bigger Picture
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 1783197063
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Vaccinations and Immunisation Lesson 1-2 Hour Lesson. Editable 24 slide PowerPoint Lesson, Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Mindfulness Activity and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
To know how immunity to disease and infection can be acquired
To describe the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases
To evaluate the impact on society when there is a pandemic virus with no vaccination available
Some Key Terms Covered
Immunity, Communicable, Virus, Non-communicable, Vaccination, Anti-Vaxxers, Disease
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
☞ 1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
☞ Most lessons include a Worksheet
☞ Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
☞ Teacher Notes (On some slides)
☞ Mapped against Latest Statutory Health and RSE DfE Guidance, PSHE Association & Character Education Guidance from DfE.
⟴ PSHE Association Theme: Health & Wellbeing KS3 H10
⟴ Statutory Health Topic 6: Health & Prevention
⟴ Be Ofsted and DfE PSHE ready with our resources! Product Code: RSE/C8/LS/143
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
Personal Safety Abroad Travelling - PSHE KS5 Students. Careers + PSHE Lesson designed by a PSHE Expert. Editable 30+ slide PowerPoint Lesson. Lesson includes: Lesson Assessment, Student Resources, Signposting to extra support services. Bonus Homework Activity and links to our videos and much more.
Learning Outcomes:
Understand legal rights and responsibilities when travelling abroad
Considering passports, visa and insurance requirements
Knowing when to contact emergency services
Some Key Terms Covered
Visa, Passport, Embassy, Travel insurance
Assessment Objectives
I understand legal rights and responsibilities when travelling abroad
I can explain the uses of travel documents
I know when it’s appropriate to contact emergency services
Skills Builder Framework
Problem Solving & Staying positive
CDI Framework
Balancing work and Life
Be Ofsted and DfE compliant with our resources!
Product Code: 2238123345
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support careers Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Student Worksheet(s) are included with some lessons
Homework Activity
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
Teacher Notes (On some slides)
Focus on literacy
1 Hours worth of activities - including timings for every activity
Why not try out some of our other highly rated secondary careers units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Protected Characteristics. Tutor time mini session exploring this topic. This resource is suitable for secondary school students and contains interactive elements to keep your students engaged!
The mini session is designed to last around 15 - 20 Minutes only.
** If you require an exciting free escape room activity for your students - just leave a nice review on this listing and drop Mike an email at and we will send you one.
Elements for the Protected Characteristics session
2-3 Minute Video bespoke Subject based skills and careers video created and hosted by Cre8tive resources
PowerPoint Slides
Reflection Questions
Class Word Find Activity
Homework Suggestion
Review Activity
The mini tutor time session designed to last around 20 Minutes only. This in one session from our What is … Series . There are 16 different sessions in total you can download! The session could be adapted to last anywhere from 15 to 20+ minutes.
Why not try out some of our other highly rated Secondary Careers Units:
☞ Year 7 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 8 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 9 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 10 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 11 Gatsby Benchmark Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 12 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
☞ Year 13 Gatsby Benchmark Finance & Careers in Context Unit
Ambition Career + Life Goals. A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed lesson on Ambition Career + Life Goals
Learning Outcomes:
To know what ambition is and why it is important.
To know what a career is and why it is important.
To know what life goals are and why they are important.
Key terms
Ambition, Career, Life Goals, Graduating, GCSEs, Sixth Form, University
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
What are my options Post 16 after I complete my GCSE’s? A fully-resourced lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed PSHE / Citizenship / Careers KS4 lesson
Learning Outcomes:
To understand the options available to me at the end of Year 11
To consider how I can make the best choice for me
To understand the application process for post 16 options
Key terms
A Level, T Level, Btec, Apprenticeship
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning) Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest PSHE super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
PSHE - Debating Topical Issues
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
**Leave a positive review and we will send you a free lesson on any PSHE Topic. Just email Mike at **
Understanding empathy : PSHE Lesson . A fully-resourced editable PSHE PowerPoint lesson (1 hour +) which can be used by teachers to deliver a detailed workshop / session /lesson on the importance of this topic.
This is a topic that comes up under the new PSHE Statutory Guidance for RSHE.
Learning Outcomes:
I can explain the difference between empathy and sympathy
I can give at least 3 examples of empathetic behaviour
I can explain 3 reasons why empathy is important
Key terms
Empathy, sympathy, emotions, validate, autism, prefrontal cortex, mirror neurons
Each Lesson Pack Contains:
1 Fully Editable Careers PowerPoint (Learning Outcomes, Confidence Checkers, Assessment of Learning, Variety of Tasks, Video Embedded URL Clips, Engaging Premium Quality Slides, Extra Support Websites, Challenging & Thoughtful Questioning)
Assessment Opportunity (Confidence Checker)
The lesson includes a detailed PowerPoint, variety of student facing tasks and comprehension tasks These resources have been designed to be engaging, informative and pick up and teach.
Why not check out some of our latest super bundles below:
Personal Finance as a young Adult
Online Safety + Staying Safe
Y12 Survival Kit - Personal Safety
Y11 Survival Kit - Revision + Exam Stress
British Values Explored Bundle
Society, Body Image + Peer Pressure
Finance Risk + Online Safety
If you need any support with this lesson or would like to find out more about the FULL PSHE Currriculum Cre8tive Resources can offer your school please email: